Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Psychology of Color

More than aesthetics, colors serve a higher purpose in interior design. Colors affect mood and behavior. It’s a science, a psychology. In fact, it’s so imperative; it can either make or break a room’s overall atmosphere.

And while colors pose subjective values, there are general ideas that have been passed on from ancient cultures.

Chromotherapy tells us that red activates circulation and the nervous system. The Chinese consider it the color of luck and prosperity. Indians attribute it to marriage. For most, red is the color of love, passion, and ambition. Because it’s such a strong color, most find it hard to scheme it with other colors. For the braver designer, red is a brilliant choice for bedrooms and dining rooms.

Yellow is the color of energy. It represents vitality and intellect. It stimulates the brain, making you more active and decisive. Yellows are used mostly on foyers, hallways, and bedrooms. This color seems to add an instant brightness to any room.

Slightly subtler than red, orange suggests warmth. It is a fun and flamboyant color that encourages socialization. It’s an awesome choice for children’s bedrooms and open areas like living rooms and family rooms.

Brown is the ultimate home color. It is stable and reliable, and is associated with all things natural. It’s a classic color and when paired with other bright colors, gives off a chic and interesting vibe. Brown is perfect for almost all kinds of living areas.
Generally, warm colors make rooms more inviting.
Blue is a great cure for anxiety. It denotes rest and it calms the nervous system. It is not as gender specific as pink or gray, making it equally appealing to men and women. It’s a popular choice for bedrooms; but its coldness makes it unsuitable for dining areas.

Like brown, green represents organic. It generates feelings of relaxation and calmness. The Irish fancy it for good luck. It works well in bath rooms and living rooms; and is a great accent color for kitchens and dining rooms.

Purple is often associated with royalty. Moreover, it encourages creativity. It is often the color of choice for the artistic and the imaginative.
Cold colors correspond to retreat.
Achromatic colors like black, gray, and white are often used as accent colors. White, however, is a popular choice for walls.

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