Tuesday, August 3, 2010

PTR is eco-friendly!

Green is the new black. Or well, it should be. Constant reports on the deteriorating state of the global environment are more than just truisms. Mother Earth is undeniably in a coma.

PTR’s projects are designed to provide Filipino families and individuals with quality and affordable homes. We don’t believe in sacrificing the environment to meet our goals. Our condominiums adhere to Earth-friendly measures.

For one, we take advantage of natural light by featuring large windows. Second, we have sewage treatment plants (STP) which converts waste to clear water. And lastly, we install roof gardens that help in keeping our buildings cool.

PTR encourages homeowners to try these eco-friendly measures:

1. Energy-efficient lighting.

Energy Star partners with manufacturers
who meet the standards of the
US-based organization.
Aside from lessening global warming pollution, the beauty of energy-efficient lighting is a lower electricity bill. Compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs are initially more expensive than incandescent bulbs but will save more on the bill because it will only use 1/3 the electricity and last 10 times longer. And you should know, by replacing just one incandescent bulb, you will help keep a half-ton of CO2 out of the atmosphere.

How to know if a light bulb is energy-efficient? Look for the Energy Star label.

And of course, don’t forget to turn off lights and appliances when not using them.

2. Green cleaning.

Green cleaning products double the benefit. It is not only safe for the environment; it is also safe for your health. Just because a product claims to be natural doesn’t mean it is non-toxic. A cleaning product is green if it is manufactured under eco-friendly measures and if it is biodegradable. We suggest that you look beyond claims, and start examining the labels for specific ingredients.

3. Eco-friendly furniture.

Eco-friendly furniture is made from organic resources such as wood, timber, grass, glass and metal. The benefit in these pieces is in the harmless decomposition of the materials. Wood does not automatically categorize a piece of furniture as eco-friendly. There are several other things to consider such as the production and manufacturing processes.

Be eco-friendly in whatever you do - even in your home. Go green, be in, and help save the only planet we can call home. 

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