Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Decorating your condo

Condos offer a much more limited space for decorating than traditional houses. But this shouldn’t mean that you, owners, must sacrifice style. So read on for tips on how to make the most out of your space and still enjoy the class inbuilt with the condo lifestyle.

When decorating a limited space, there is one rule you can’t afford to break: Clutter Freedom.

As soon as you start asking “Where will I put this?,” the sooner you should start to get rid of things that you won’t really need. It makes sense especially if you chose the condo lifestyle for convenience –you’ll probably be spending more time out and about in the city anyway.

And if you still find yourself with loads of things you just can’t throw away, then you should appreciate the beauty of storage spaces. Shelves, closet organizers, and even plastic boxes will do you wonders. The key is this: maximize every square foot of your condo.

On buying furniture, always remember that size matters. There are certain pieces that would be perfect for a house (like a table for six) but would kill condo space. The smaller and the fewer, the better.

You should also invest on good lighting – particularly fixed ceiling and wall fixtures. These have more convenient switches and won’t take up any floor space.

By keeping these in mind, you’ll be able to maximize your condo’s space to make you feel right at home.

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